【NIGHT OF FULL MOON】Card game about red riding hood[Setsuki Fyuna] - c4gamingstudio.com

【NIGHT OF FULL MOON】Card game about red riding hood[Setsuki Fyuna]

Setsuki Fyuna Ch.
Views: 62
Like: 14
I have never played deck building card games! So I might appear to be pretty dumb at this…
Hopefully I get to enjoy this type of games too!


#SetsukiFyuna #FyunaisLIVE #fyunart

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🐧Art credits🐧
Loading scene: My brother
Ending scene art: myself
Assets: BOOTH.PM ()
Assets: OKUMONO ()

🐧Model credits🐧
Design: Myself and eli 🐑
Artist mama: Wenk (Mihuashi)
Rigger: 小路姬_Ibuki (Mihuashi)