Card Game, But Cards Are Randomly Generated -

Card Game, But Cards Are Randomly Generated

Magic The Noah
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  1. Can we get a sequel to this! I low key wanna play sooo bad 😂

  2. When and how were the powers decided on? Sounds like each player has a list of powers but did you review them before hand?

  3. so this proves that its better to have a lower test grade

  4. Could i be in 1 of ur vids?
    Not a player but a creature
    Like you have them fight against a goblin r a demon r smtin else and instead of you deciding what it does i do but just that 1
    Also if it tries to appease me i get to choose yes or no
    Probably no

  5. the sentence "you gain one life" is really funny to me

  6. the first swear word definately was scheiße and I'm 100% sure that hurensohn(son of a bitch) was in there somewhere

  7. on one of the times they rolled a 5, they summoned a 4 power 🙁

  8. love how they forgot about the slime completely

  9. Thank you Noah for checking a notification, unfortunately there is still a notification and I would appreciate it if you would check it 6:40

  10. This one seems like it'd be easy and very fun to make into a board game. Deciding who wins in combat might be tough, you'd have to get creative with a spinner or maybe dice? There has to be something mathematically equivalent to this weighted wheel spin out there that's very cheap to package into a board game (along with simple and intuitive to execute in order to make the decision)

  11. The first 30 minutes of the game were great, but then it snowballed into Carl’s favor in the end

  12. I wonder how the people behind the Wheel of Names feel about all the different uses people have come up with for it lol

  13. I would 100% play this game if I didn’t have to recreate it in f#%ing mspaint

  14. Improvisational quality card-game

  15. Im calling the goblin bob the destoyer cause legendary creachers

  16. Technically, couldn't the owner of the slime Swear and summon goblins?

  17. There should’ve been a wheel to determine a cards ability, and each player had a chance to add an ability.

  18. I would buy this as an actual board game

  19. The moving effect was a huge missed opportunity, he could've moved the creatures so one level 4 monster was outside another players base, effectively creating a likely defeat for one of his opponents while also clearing the way to the other opponents base 😀

  20. Hearthstone actually has a minion that says "battlecry: die" battle cry is an enter the battlefield ability that only triggers from hand. It just kills itself

  21. Why is he called thoralf but they say toffle

  22. Your games usually are fun only reason i didn't like this one was when creatures fight, power level meant nothing only the wheel. It should have been if 4 attacking 3 and wins 3 dies, but if loses. 4 attack power lowered to 3. As 3 can win against 3 or lower, but always loses against 4 if 3 attacking (not defending).

  23. Good that you editet it out I'm Austrian and I think that it's mean

  24. I'M sad looks like an edited live stream and we miss all the action. (I'VE FELL INTO THE YOUTUBE RABBIT HOLE AND I COULD END UP WATCHING HOURS OF THIS…. OOPS I DID) love your newest vids with the d20 but also the slides and the checker board and the random stuff you and the players come up with. The 1+ hour content doesn't bother me at all… it helps build the sense of accomplishment when they double roll the 4x true strike of divine judgment for the win after the many repeated failures whether they work against each or not ( there are no rules lol) KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK… I can see this lasting for years… it's just that good. Pace yourself and only release once every 2-3 weeks but go all in weather it takes 2-3 hours or everyone dies don't hold back and you got this…. subbed

  25. carl spits prefusely everytime he speaks

  26. This game became so calm and chill compared to so many other videos due to the swearing rule lmfao

  27. I know this game took forever for you to record. but i really enjoyed it.

  28. vielen dank für den cut will kein schwören hören

  29. I like how literally nobody went after the slime

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