FLOOD THE BOARD!!! Aegisdramon & AncientMermaimon Deck & Combo Guide | Digimon Card Game BT12 Format - c4gamingstudio.com

FLOOD THE BOARD!!! Aegisdramon & AncientMermaimon Deck & Combo Guide | Digimon Card Game BT12 Format

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We got some new support for the Aqua deck since EX3 and it is time for an updated version! Check out how you can flood the board with tons of sea creatures!!!

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More BT12 Deck Profiles and Guides!
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2. Arresterdramon Hunter Deck Profile –
3. WarGreymon Deck Profile –
4. Imperialdramon Deck Profile –
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6. Red Hybrid EmperorGreymon Deck Profile –
7. ShineGreymon Deck Profile –
8. Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode & Xros Heart Deck Profile –
9. Darkness Bagramon & Bagra Army Deck Profile –
10. Machinedramon & Chaosdramon X Antibody Deck Profile –
11. Bloomlordmon & Quartzmon Deck –
12. BlackWarGreymon X Antibody Deck –
13. UlforceVeedramon X Antibody Deck –
14. AncientWisemon Black Hyrbid Deck –


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The updated version of the Aegisdramon Deck combines the Ancientmermaimon Deck together to make a stronger version for the Aegisdramon Deck BT12! This Aegisdramon Decklist now features even more different kinds of Digimon Aquatic Deck support cards! The Aegisdramon Deck Profile also features the Ancientmermaimon Deck Profile which came out from the most recent set! Digimon Aegisdramon Deck BT12 can continue to flood the board and play tons of Digimon from the Digivolution sources. Digimon TCG Aegisdramon is a really cool level 7 boss monster which is the Digimon Water Deck and Seadramon Deck put together. Hopefully we get more support for the Digimon TCG Aegisdramon Deck to make it competitively viable!

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