HOOKTUSK Pirate Rogue is WAY TOO MUCH FUN! It STEALS games! (Early Access Gameplay!) | Sunken City
Zeddy Hearthstone
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Today we go over one of my best performing theory crafting decks in Pirate Rogue!
Rewards track giveaway video:
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#Hearthstone #HS #Zeddy
Zeddy, RegisKillbin, Kripp, Rarran and other hearthstone youtubers all play different hs gamemodes. Duels, Battlegrounds, Standard, Arena and Wild are in the game that can new cards from new expansions to climb and win HS games.
Hearthstone is a card game based on WOW, it is also a digital card game.
I meet this deck 4 times, i win all with control druid, celestial.
So sick 🙂
All those fancy Naga Stargazer tricks being countered by a simple Hooktusk reminded me of the Indiana Jones scene where the scimitar dude got shot.
that mage turn 6 seemed totally legit….
When does expansion go live central time?
Where's the deck code…
The Ignite heist was pretty cool.
Can’t wait to plunder my opponent’s happiness once the expansion rolls out.
Opponent was scamming till he got scammed at the end.
I hope this is a Standard deck finally.
EDIT: 30 seconds into video #sad 😔
i appriciate ur work and ur ideas like ur the funniest guy ever ty for ur hard work ShPY
This is the deck i want to build when the new cards are out 😀
Brigand is nuts but is it better then kalaseth?
The radar isn't really all that broken. It draws one more card than the nerfed secret passage for double the cost, not the best deal.
i appriciate ur work and ur ideas like ur the funniest guy ever ty for ur hard work CJoN
Cant wait for the expansion this looks awesome
Ha and I opened a golden hooktusk out of my 11 sunken city legendaries. Yeah God knows it’ll be one of my favs. God is my fav tho
So I main rogue and have the dust for only 1 in gold so should I craft crabatoa or Mommatusk in gold
You run prep for 1 card only?
Im really excited for pirate rogue and how people will experiment with hook tusk to run a tempo rogue , atleast up until day 2 where the deck will go for smorc and cut hooktusk.
Here comes Tickatus 2.0.
Is anybody having trouble logging into hearthstone? because i can't for the last two days I'd tried everything I can think of to log in
My opponents deck is op, my opponents deck is unfair. Wins both games.
Turn down the neg a notch if you want more subs.
At least hooktusk was sincere when she said: “cheatin’? I never fight fair!”
Lor players when hs players thinks their animation is cool LOOOOOOOOOL
Mr smite is the most bullshit card, especially after whole “charge bad, rush good” drama
That legendary is like tickatus instead of burning you steal cards
Can you leave the desk list in the description?
i'd like to see zeddy's gameplay more
@zeddy when was the giveaway (if not done already)?
So nice robbing Ignite!
What is the Hooktusk voice line?
I am surprise u get early access! What a great deck
mage infinite nothing
More like Tickatusk right?
I am absolutely fuming at Ignite at this point. I was beating up a big spell mage with Tickatus, i ate their Solarian Prime with Mutanus and i had them down to 1 card in the deck by turn 9 – only for them to generate a random Ignite off of Rune of the Archmage, immediately giving them fatigue immunity and infinite face damage.
That card can literally be hall of famed tomorrow, that's how much of a mistake it was to print it. Get rid of it out of standard.
Get rekt Corbett