How to Make Trading Card Game Menus With Unity 3D Part 7
The material during this course is split into 5 Sections.
Since the Unity project that we are developing during this course will be treated as an extension of the course that we’ve made earlier about game battle mechanics, in Section 2 we are going to make a recap of the techniques that we use in both courses to store cards within the project. you’ll study ScriptableObjects and ScriptableObject assets and the way you’ll be able to use them to store cards in your project. We`ll take a glance at a really useful script CardCollection.cs that may be utilized in the project to filter the cards in our collection and acquire certain sub-sets of cards that satisfy certain criteria. within the last Lecture of Section 2 we`ll do some UI add Unity and assemble the final layout of our menu scene.
Section 3 are going to be entirely dedicated to purchasing and opening booster packs with cards. It is smart to form the cardboard pack opening part early within the course because it`s both the foremost exciting a part of the project and at the identical time the foremost isolated from other code. We`ll create a separate screen for the shop / pack opening area and explore all the scripts that make it possible to shop for and open card packs. generating cards of certain rarity supported customizable probability coefficients. By the top of this Section we`ll have a totally functioning pack opening screen for this project.
In Section 4 we are going to start making the gathering screen โ the foremost complicated screen within the menus for any card game. Our goal for this Section is to be ready to launch the sport and see the cards laid come in a grid on the gathering screen, be ready to use pagination buttons and switch pages within the collection, be ready to use all the custom filters (mana, keyword, belonging to at least one of the character classes) to filter the cardboard collection and display certain sub-sets of our collection.
In the final section of this course we’ll continue exploring our collection screen and canopy more advanced objects that are featured on the screen: crafting screen that enables us to craft new cards for one amongst the in-game currencies, scrollable lists with deck icons and card icons that may be displayed on the side of our deck building screen. we’ll discuss the subject of transferring data between the scenes and having the ability to use the deck that your players have pre-configured within the battle scene. within the final lecture of the course I`ll demonstrate how you’ll be able to founded a game against an easy AI opponent.