How to Play 31 - Card Games -

How to Play 31 – Card Games

Riffle Shuffle & Roll
Views: 14202
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Card Games – 31

Thank you for watching How To Play 31! This is a fun game for 2 – 6 players, and it can be played a variety of ways. Please remember that these are Riffle Shuffle & Roll’s house rules, and they might be different from your own.

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With that said, please share your rules in the comments below! Here are some alternative rules:

-Cut Throat-
If a player knocks, they must have the highest valued hand. In the event that a player knocks and does not have the the highest valued hand, they lose a chip instead of the player with the lowest hand.

-31 Pounce-
If a player is holding a three of a kind and someone discards the fourth card for their set, they may immediately shout “pounce” and take the card. This immediately ends the round and that player wins. In this version, a four of a kind is the highest valued possible hand.

Rather than knocking, if a player creates a hand with the value of 31, they must IMMEDIATELY say (or yell) blitz! This ends the round without giving everyone at the table a chance to better their hand. As soon as someone goes Blitz, the showdown begins.

-Collect The Pot-
Rather than playing with chips or tokens, players can play with coins or dollar bills. When a player loses, they place the money in the pot. The player who wins the game takes the pot.

-First To Three-
Rather than eliminating players, everyone starts the game with zero chips. In this version, players earn a chip for having the highest valued hand at the end of the round. In the event of a tie, nobody earns a chip. The first player to earn three chips wins the game.