How to play Uno No Mercy -

How to play Uno No Mercy

Triple S Games
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Learn the rules to the card game Uno Show ’em No Mercy quickly and concisely – This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original rules of Uno, check out this video:

The rules are the same as regular uno except for these changes. An additional way to win the game is to be the last player remaining. When you do not have a playable card, then you must draw cards from the top of the deck until you get a playable card, then you must play it.

You are allowed to stack draw cards by playing a draw card of equal or higher value than what was just played, they do not need match color or symbol. If you stack, then add that draw card’s value to the running total and it passes to the next player. The first player unable to add to the stack draws the total stack value then loses their turn. If you the last card stacked is a Wild draw card, then the player who played it picks the color that resumes play.

If ever a player has 25 or more cards in their hand, then they are immediately eliminated from the game. Add their cards to the bottom of the discard pile. Whenever you play a 7 of any color, you must swap your hand with another player of your choice, even if you don’t want to; and, whenever you play a 0 in any color, then all players must pass their hands to the next player in the current direction of play. Play then continues to the next player like normal.

The new action cards are:
Discard all. Discard all the cards in your hand that match the color of the “discard all” card. Place the extra cards under the “discard all” card.

Draw four. The next player draws 4 cards then loses their turn.

Skip everyone. Skip all the other players and take another turn.

There are new wild action cards. All wild action cards can be played on any other card and after playing one, you pick the color that resumes play. The original uno rule for being allowed to challenge a wild draw 4 card has been removed.

Wild reverse draw 4. Reverse the direction of play, then the next player in that new direction must draw 4 cards then loses their turn. When playing with just 2 players, the reverse forces you to draw the cards instead of your opponent. However, you are still allowed to stack and send the penalty back to them.

Wild draw 6 and wild draw 10. The next player draws the indicated number of cards and loses their turn.

Wild color roulette. The next player chooses a color, then they must reveal cards from the top of the draw deck one at a time until they reveal a card of the chosen color. Revealing a wild card does not count. Once the correct color card is revealed, then all the revealed cards are added to their hand and they lose their turn. This card may not be used in draw stacking.

When playing for points, numbered cards are worth their face value, every action card is worth 20 points, and every wild card is worth 50. When a player is eliminated from the game for having too many cards, then points are not scored based on the cards left in their hand, instead the player who caused them to be eliminated immediately earns 250 points. The first player to 1000 points wins.