I Really Suck at Card Games!!!!!!!
Ace_ Magicianz
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After my first Inscryption video on the Demo I decided to get the full game. Gonna be honest I do absolute horrid voice acting for each character so you probably don’t want to have the sound turned all the way up. Personally I think this game is fun, a little darker than I anticipated but still fun. Even if these videos don’t get many views or likes I’m just doing them to have something on my channel. As I say in the outro, I shoulda beat the first boss easily but, lets face it, yall don’t wanna see me succeed, yall wanna see me fail, and honestly I still find it fun even when I fail. Finally, I think I’ll just do the same intro and outro as this video and Demo, don’t know why but they kinda stuck with me.
Have a great day!
Have a great day!