New Groo Card Game by Steve Jackson Games - Kickstarter -

New Groo Card Game by Steve Jackson Games – Kickstarter

Groo Tube
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Steve Jackson Games is reissuing Groo: The Game! And I’ve got all your questions answered about it!

Steve Jackson Games announces Groo Game:

Ask Sergio and Mark #7

Buy Me A Coffee (Comic?) :

0:00 Groo Game Reprint
0:35 Sergio Teases the Game
1:18 Game Description & Announcement
3:45 Q1. Kickstarter Funding
4:19 Q2. Instore/Online Sales
4:42 Q3. Joint Project WizWar
5:48 Q4. Rule Changes
6:41 Q5. Expansion Deck
7:11 Q6. Stretch Goals
7:47 Q7. Autographed Edition
8:04 Q8. New Art
8:27 Q9. When?
8:58 Q10. Price
9:35 Closing Thoughts

If you enjoy watching videos about Groo the Wanderer, Sergio Aragonés and his comics, you might want to subscribe to this channel.

Videos about Groo the Wanderer from Mad Magazine Writer and Cartoonist Sergio Aragonés. Comic Book artist Mark Evanier, Stan Sakai (who makes Usagi Yojimbo comics) and Tom Luth who is the colorist of the comics. Marvel comics used to publish Groo the Wanderer under the Epic Comics brand for artist owned comics. Before that Pacific Comics and Eclipse Comics published Groo the Wanderer. After Marvel Comics, Groo went to Image Comics for a year and for the longest time, Groo is published by Dark Horse Comics. Rufferto is Groo’s Dog, Conan the Barbarian and Tarzan of the Apes have had crossover comics with Groo too.

#Groo #boardgame #SteveJacksonGames


  1. I am sure you already updated this but I went to the Kickstarter page and good news: "1,603 backers pledged $58,316 to help bring this project to life". And bad news: Only ships to the USA. Which is why I am starting my Canadian version of the Groo Game where Groo likes some potato fries and gravy with his cheese dip.

  2. Groo has social media channels? Who runs it? Rufferto?

  3. So hyped. Tossing all my kopins in for this.
    Wish Sergio had a merch store. Need Groo mugs, Arba jugs, and … granny groo hugs?… Christmas sweaters? I dunno.

  4. Is Ken Whitman from Archangel Games involved with the reprint? I only ask because he's apparently become an infamous Kickstarter grifter the last several years, having taken considerable amount of money off folks and not producing any products. There's even an entire website devoted to his financial shenanigans.

  5. This is great! Thank you. (Counting his kopins.)🤔🤏🐕‍🦺⚔

  6. Oh man, I just deleted my Kickstarter account after they announced they were building a blockchain. 🙁
    I hope this gets funded so I can get it from the SJG store afterward.

  7. Man, I'd love a Rufferto tuque as well.

  8. I've yet to back a Kickstarter, but it may be time to take the leap!

  9. Very cool! Very much appreciate you sharing this news and look forward to hearing updates as they occur.

  10. I wiill back this game right away. TAKE MY MONEY ALREADY

  11. Will there finally be a granny Groo card in this game?
    As a total Groo-head I have gone through two separate boxes and expansion sets and stillam forced to use regular 6-sided dice because the stickers of both dice sets faded very fast.

  12. The Wiz-War kickstarter came and gone – and no Groo. 😢

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