Psycho Killer card game: Overview and how to play
Jenders Gaming
Views: 11661
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A psycho killer is trying to get you and your friends. You will need to use all the tricks you can to get away! Slam the door, hide under the bead or throw your, friends, friends under the bus and leave them for dead! It’s all up to you to try to get away from the killer!
These is some of the things you will get to do in Psycho killer and I will show you how to play it and give you an overview of the gameplay in this video. Psycho killer is a card game from Escape tabletop games and I will get your blood pumping!
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00:00 Intro
02:14 About the game
03:00 Psyco Killers
03:24 Black cards
04:06 Set-up
04:48 Turns
09:11 Symbols
10:00 Left for dead
10:38 Who won?
11:13 Final thoughts
11:51 Thank you for watching!
Escape tabletop games:
David Nilsson (Music):
#psychokiller #cardgame #escapetabletopgames