The Sopranos - Jackie Jr. robs card game -

The Sopranos – Jackie Jr. robs card game

Drew Brown
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Trying to be noticed, Jackie Jr. and others rob Eugene’s card game


  1. i think what makes this show so great is that it finds humor in the darkest of places and people

  2. i love how he basically shoots him for his stupid ass anectodes xDD

  3. It’s actually stunning how stupid all 4 of these dudes are…even complete morons generally respect raw power.

  4. Even if nobody is killed here, Jackie is getting beaten within an inch of his life and the others are potentially getting whacked.

  5. Maybe crank wasn't a good idea to use that night, eh? 😂😂😂 6 point blank shots to the face and a couple of more to send a message.

  6. Christopher may be a junkie, but hes a good fucking shot

  7. I would’ve laughed my ass off if that was Gloria Trillo that Jackie threw out of her car.

  8. Stop fucken looking at me! Favorite line. That’s when I knew they fucked up because Chris was trying to see who were these guys

  9. What if Jackie and the other two managed to kill the whole room? What would that lead to in the series?

  10. You can tell they were all afraid to die, they needed drugs to do it, that’s where they fucked up.

  11. What a group of amateurs having the nerve enough to a group of mobsters during a card game and one of them recognize his face through the skinface and voice then scared split different directions instead of sticking together and not get caught or killed

  12. I dont care what you say , but Chris was one brave motherfucker

  13. He may have gotten himself killed, but it was worth it to read out one epic poem.

  14. Jackie was b!tch damn you left your man hanging 😮

  15. This is probably my favorite scene. Its so masterfully shot.

  16. How funny would it be if the moment they saw Chris and Furio were there, Jackie and the team would have just said, "apologies, we'll be on our way" and got out of there? XD

  17. I know Jackie Jr. gets a lot of heat, but he’s still 1,000x smarter than the modern trump supporter

  18. dumb as fuck. much better off robbing a bank etc .. push comes to shove the worst end result is jail as opposed to death and dismemberment.

  19. Christopher turning his face with no fear is a mobstar move

  20. That "hey cocksucker" scene is the badest

  21. "Shut up, shut up!!!! Stop fuckin looking at me!!"

    Chris: Hold up, I inow that ain't who think it is….

  22. Jackie jr leaving his friend is when i started tealize he was a total piece of shit

  23. That poker game was a good friend of his father's.

  24. Damn. Chrissy's most gangster moment in the show, only to be belittled by Tony moments later.

  25. Jackie Jr should have insisted they just go down the Shore.

  26. It was going so well until that camel-nosed fuck turned around

  27. Im glad Jackie JR got killed hated that guy wannabe tough guy.

  28. Funniest part was the old man giving none stop life advice/quotes 😭🤣😂😂😂😂

  29. Poor Sunshine 🌞 fell to Blackness 🌨️😢

  30. – what's the matter?
    – I don't know… My last brain cell is kinda acting weird…

  31. Watching a stupid criminal fail. Ya love to see it!

  32. Why is Christopher bleeding from the forehead?

  33. The getaway driver is the smartest of the four.😂

  34. Bros had all the advantage with a shotgun at close range and still got blown away

  35. Only card game Spider managed come out alive from or without his foot being shot

  36. Who was the one that lost his cool and starred shooting?

  37. They'd have been fine if they hadn't killed anyone. Tony was fine. He eventually became boss. It's a big difference. You can't just kill a made man without permission.

  38. I like this scene. We're used to scenes where Chris is doing something completely stupid and we're thinking he's pretty weak. Here you see him caught in a tense standoff against lower level guys and he's completely sharp.

  39. Can someone explains what he means when he says “let’s go down to shore” instead?

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