Tutorial – How to play War of the Ring: The Card Game
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This video explains the rules of the War of the Ring: The Card Game using the “Fellowship of the Ring” Scenario. This tutorial is the fastest way to learn (or teach!) the rules of the game for new players. Think of this scenario as two-player tutorial for the game, preparing you with the basic mechanics of the game before you jump into the full game.
0:00 Introduction / Game overview
2:05 Cycling / Eliminating Cards
2:48 Location Step
4:00 Action step – playing cards
4:50 Combat – high level summary
6:24 Action step – card types (Character, Army, Event, Item)
10:40 playing cards to reserves
12:40 Winnowing
13:30 Combat Step – Details
16:23 Path scoring for Shadow Player (corruption)
20:00 Items stay with wielder
21:22 activating multiple battlegrounds or paths at the same time