Yu-Gi-Oh cards are not actual Money... - c4gamingstudio.com

Yu-Gi-Oh cards are not actual Money…

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Random ass video! I guess Dark Simorgh with Ryko written on it with a Sharpie ain’t worth anything…can`t even get a Soda LMAO


  1. The machine: nah unless it’s the blue eyes white dragon than I am not taking this filth😂😂😂

  2. I love videos like this. They just feel apropos.

  3. Not the Simorgh! Thats my favorite archetype!

  4. Bro forgot to sacrifice his battle ox and $5

  5. “Now, earn cash back points for your Rare card!😂

  6. This vending machine already has thirty copies of that card. Try a rarer card.

  7. I hate how they decided to give those machines the meta decks, they negate all your cards!

  8. Must of been like this card is worthless in this condition

  9. No no no ur doing it all wrong dude it’s not a hand trap it has to be on the field

  10. Imagine the guy collecting the money at the end of the day: "a TCG card???"

  11. Seto Kaiba: As President of Kaiba Corp, I declare this invalid.

  12. Give it a god card and then its going to change its mind💀

  13. I wish this machine could shuffle my deck and let me draw cards like these machines in the anime.

  14. 1:22:50 Umar met the challenge to bring a verse like the quran

    Sahih al-Bukhari 402

  15. Never seen uma musume yet but the designs are great.

  16. Don't put me back inside! they hit me with lazers inside and a machine presses me at 2 different angles!

  17. If I can change my brick 83 into IDK kings queens jackpot AE86

  18. Unless you're Seto Kaiba and he says, "Fuck The Rules!!!!"

  19. Play "Brain Control" and make the machine take it.

  20. I could possibly make something out of the machine you're using your card on and possibly make it work

  21. Sorry the shadow realm didn’t accept your sacrifice. 😂😂😂

  22. It because Is not Dark magician or blue eyes white dragon

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